It’s been a long time since I posted on this site. Travelling, busy writing a book and life…but it’s time. I’m reading a great book by Michael A Singer called The Untethered Soul and it speaks of the spiritual journey that we all are on, and even if we don’t know we’re on a spiritual journey, we are. That journey is one of constant transformation and in order to grow, we must give up the struggle to remain the same, and learn to embrace change at all times. One of the most important areas requiring change is how we solve our personal problems. We normally attempt to solve our inner disturbances by protecting ourselves, but real transformation begins when we embrace our problems as agents for growth. By protecting ourselves or ignoring the issues or trying to hide from them, they do not go away, they fester, and they are always ready to come out when we least expect it or when we get triggered again and they end up running our lives in many ways. The only way to actually get rid of them is to simple let them go. I know it’s not that simple, but in some ways it is. Problems are a part of life, everyone has them, and the book mentions “The problem of the Day”, which happens to be the main one we are dealing with now. And what’s true is once we solve that one, then another becomes the main problem of the day. They use the example of someone wanting to quit’s simple..stop putting the cigarette to the lips. And that same analogy can be used for all our problems; let them go, stop studying, analyzing and going over them over and over in our minds. Deal with them the best you can and go on. Remember as the book says, we are not the mind/thoughts, we are the ones watching, and if we can just step back and just watch ourselves and our non-stop manical minds we will not only laugh at ourselves (which is so healing) but we will in a rational and sensible way figure out the problems.