1/31/25 One of my goals both last year and this year is to post more on this site and also on my Facebook site and I’ve failed at that pretty badly, but it’s a new year and was inspired with what I read this morning from Why is God Laughing by Deepak Chopra, which was written back in 2008. But no matter when he wrote it, his insights are timeless, and speak of our fears, which are pretty much always with us. So, to paraphrase some of his thoughts: Fear tells us we aren’t safe, but right now you are safe right? And fears main tactic is to make illusions seem real. But imagined pain isn’t real pain, imagined death isn’t real death. Ninety five percent of what we imagine could or may happen never does. So when fear comes up, we’re generally losing touch with the present. And Chopra goes on to say that fear is a terrible predictor of the future, and nothing is a unreliable as fear, and yet people rely on it over and over again. As an example, I was talking to a friend a few days ago and one of her children is a transexual. She mentioned that everything has changed for her/him since Trump got reelected, seeing he is among other things anti transsexual/gay. But really in the week since Trump has been back in office, nothing in this person’s life has really changed except his fear and worry about what may or could happen in the future. So instead of being present in the right here and now and that he is indeed safe and really nothing has changed the focus becomes on what could happen. Is that the way we want to live, worried about worse case scenarios of what could happen? I don’t want to live that way, because if I did, I would never do anything, except sit in bed and tremble.