Well not exactly hiding, but for a long time I drifted away from the fire I had around Fearless and didn’t have any interest in posting or uploading any of my music or doings. I had a calling I felt and fulfilled that when I finished the video’s, music and actually with help, lots of help, got it online.. so for about a year I did nothing with it.. but I’m being called back, not with the fever I had before by any means, but I felt I wanted to write something and we will see where it goes from here. 🙂 Fear, I’ve felt a pretty good amount of it, with the big uptick in the virus in the spring and summer after being vaccinated and with things starting to open up I was feeling pretty good… well so much for that..crazy that it’s been with us this long, and I’m sure some wonder if this is the new normal.. I hope not, I know people are stressed, it’s so obvious that mental illnesses are ramping up and that things are being pulled apart and sides taken on nearly everything. The beauty of the internet also hides a hideous monster. Information is at our finger tips and so is misinformation..whatever you want you can find something, someone, who will back that, and then you have you’re ammo and can “prove” whatever it is your trying to prove..yikes..we seem to be at a place where everyone “thinks they know” and that spells trouble. Me, I know I know so little, so so little, but I still get in my own way by taking sides, making sure I tell people what they should do, and playing smaller than I should, and of course being my own worst enemy…I’m afraid of really being all I can be, because what would happen if I put 100% of myself out there and no one liked me. My soul, my essence, exposed and that my friend can be scary. Are you willing to put all of you out there, the real you? It’s a good question to ask yourself. Until next time, keep smiling..we gotta keep smiling. T