Of course Black Lives Matter, and all lives matter! And I can understand the frustration, and the feeling of enough is enough. I honor the protests but not the violence or destruction. I know I’ve been privileged; I’m white, male, came from a solid home where both parents were around and supportive, so I know I can’t really understand or relate to the many who haven’t been as fortunate. But what I do know is there are many types of prejudices that can keep people down.. of course color is huge, and I’m surely not minimizing it. Prejudice and that unfair playing fields show up in may ways such as; country of origin, education, how we speak, age, how we look, size, sexual orientation, the list goes on and on. I’m a short man, and have felt that is something I’ve had to continually work on and have compensated for it by trying to be tough, hard, successful, to overcome those feelings of not being good enough. We’ve all got our stuff and I’ve got plenty. But in this country and in so others countries around the world it is not a level playing field. The rich, the big corporations get benefits that the little don’t and that is just not right. As an example; if I’m a big corporation and want to open a plant or store I can get property tax breaks, income tax breaks and other advantages that a small company or an individual won’t get and to me that is simple not fair, and no wonder the rich get richer and the middle class continues to get smaller and smaller. My thoughts are give us a level playing field, and leave it to our individual efforts..if I want to rise and do the extra and hard work needed to do that great…if not and I want to sit on the couch and complain or not do the extra work to rise above, then what i get is what I deserve. But to have a level playing field is the only fair way to start..and we do not have that. What do you think? Tom