Divi Elementary


Everything We Want is on the Other Side of Fear!

Fearless Fun Videos

You Only Live Once

Fearless Fun!

We know fear will never be eliminated, it keeps us safe and secure, but too much of it holds us down like a weight and prevents us from blossoming and growing into the amazing people we are meant to be. The objective of FearlessFun is to help us recognize all the ways our fears restrict us and provide some tools and insights to allow us to put down at least some of them and walk-thru others where our best selves reside. I hope you’ll join us on this important mission.

Theme Song


I started this website back in 2020 when the COVID pandemic was beginning to shut the world down.  The news was flooding the internet, TV, radio, and it seemed no matter where you looked there was more frightening news.  People were dying by the thousands and later that became the millions.  Words don’t do justice to the havoc, the death, the families that were devastated.  I’d have enough, I couldn’t bear to hear anymore and i threw my canoe on my truck off to go camping to get away from it all.  I found an amazing  deserted island in the middle of the Columbia River, with views of other islands, the shores on each side, the heads of the harbor seals that populated the area by the hundreds and later an incredible sunset that happened later.  It was magnificent, just what I needed and my feelings and attitudes made a 180 degree shift in a matter of hours.  The world doesn’t have to be a scary place, I don’t need to take everything on, there is joy and peace to be found and that night I found it.  I got up in the morning with a epiphany that I had to get this out to others, that yes fear is always present, it shows up in so many ways but that I can’t buckle under to it, that to live a full life I had to somehow walk through it.   I started writing, came up with the idea of fearless the songs, the skits, the website. The concept for the skits was short videos that I wrote that show me doing everyday type of things; like brushing my teeth, getting bit by mosquitos, and a few other things, but looking at them with over the top hopefully kinda funny fear to make people really be conscious of it and how much fear we all carry and how it can affect us. 


Be Smart,

Not Scared

Two and half years later COVID is still here and still killing people and rightly so, people are still fearful of it.  But it seems the fear has not subsided, it’s just ramped into other parts of our lives and in some ways it’s worse than it was before. So to me it seems like there is even more of need to be aware of our fears, of my fears.  At times it seems I make things up to be afraid of even when things are going well.  The fear becomes oblivious and just a part of me, but I can feel the effects.  So the point of this website is not to pretend we have no fears, but to acknowledge that we do and once we acknowledge that they are there it becomes easier to either not respond to them or to put them aside at least for awhile.  Are you with me? Can we work on this together?  If you have comments, suggestions or ideas that work for you to help walk through your fears please let us know.

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